Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by yasemin k

Forgot you can comment on here, I'm going to double down on my recommendation of Diary of an Innocent... I've been thinking so much about innocence, not even whether or not I posses it, just the nature of it. I agree that it doesn't rely on the infantile, but things still shock me... the extent of which if not infantile is maybe juvenile... while super high we're like, I feel like a baby. We don't know what babies feel. Babies don't wear four hundred dollar lingerie or make mescal margs. We're nothing like babies. They're more accepting. We question things, which is good, and which results in fun glitches: I'm at school right now and after making prolonged eye contact with a stranger I asked to share her table. When she spoke her french accent shocked me and my ego smoothed, even though I forgot to bring my phone today and can't listen to any music...

I also highly recommend Jackie's new book, ALIEN DAUGHTERS WALK INTO THE SUN: AN ALMANAC OF EXTREME GIRLHOOD. I like the idea of girlhood being extreme, or X-treme, like skateboarding or rollercoasters or something. She talks about girlhood as a form of juvenilia, captured in ephemera and eventually done. Nothing like infancy. Just like any experiential thing, any time-based art...

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I love this and more.

I have been to Zest Ramen, yet I remember nothing but the person I was with and the shoes she was wearing.

News from home carry faint nostalgia and longing—the scent of familiar scenes.

Keep posting these diary entries, it helps us connect and brings us closer to God.

P.S: The idea of you walking around Bushwick mewing and lookmaxxxing...

a hint of smile on my face (a dash of pleasantry?)

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thank you dear friend!!! i was actually in a looksmaxxing rabbit hole recently... softmaxxing and hardmaxxing??? very fascinating stuff. see u at the movies!!

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